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A member registered Aug 15, 2021

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(1 edit)

Are you sure you tried opening the main door? If you did it will make a sound that the door is locked and you got to look for the key in the kitchen

Sharing the source code with you :D

The key is in the kitchen, near the lamp

Thank you for your feedback, this game was done within 48 hours as per the limits of a game jam. We will try optimizing it after the results come out. 

Yes the game was made using Unreal Engine. It seems you may need to update your driver.

Big fan of this game, its nice to see what others have built with it. Great concept I wish if I were able to get back on the ship though :/

Hey the web version doesnt work its very buggy. The downloadable works but the player movement is too difficult :( game looks magical though and I like the alternate dimension idea.

Amazing game, I love resource management games! Great potential!

Great game fully implemented and challenging.

Great work, I found it difficult to complete. The double jump wasnt always working and I am not good at platformers lol

Haha this was a fun game and that blue screen of death in the end gave me a heart attack xD

This was amazing, I cant believe it was just made in two days! Almost everything 5/5

I liked the animations and designs a lot.

It serves its purpose really well, I like the puzzle

Really nice experience